Hemp for Pets

Everything you need to know about CBD for pets

CBD has some excellent properties that can bring great benefits to your pet without a doubt. The pets on which this product is most commonly used are dogs and cats to a large extent. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of CBD for pets and how to use hemp oil on your furry friend.

What is CBD for pets

CBD molecule

Cannabis has some very good medicinal and relaxing properties that are nowadays more than proven. Its use in pets is quite approved for the treatment of various diseases such as arthritis, cancer or epilepsy.

It is also very useful for pets with high anxiety, nervousness or hyperactivity. The use of CBD in pets is widely approved by veterinarians, so you can rest assured that your beloved pet will have no problems with its consumption.

On the other hand, it is important to be aware that CBD products have no psychoactive effects on our pets, meaning that you are not “drugging” your dog or cat.

Advantages of using CBD in pets

In this section, we’ll talk about some of the advantages of using CBD products on your pets. So that you can be fully aware of the benefits that can be gained from it.

Without a doubt, one of the biggest benefits of CBD products on pets is pain relief. CBD has properties that greatly help with this problem and is widely used in various fields for this purpose.

On the other hand, CBD also has good anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be quite positive in the treatment of some diseases with this characteristic.

Another very notable advantage of using CBD in pets is that it has a very direct effect on conditions such as anxiety, which many dogs and cats can suffer from, so it would be of great help in treating it. 

How to use CBD on my pet

CBD oil for pets

CBD in pets is usually administered in oils, although it is a fairly safe and well-proven component, it is necessary to go to your vet so that he/she can indicate a treatment. This way you will be able to know in what dose and how often to administer it to your beloved pet.

Although it is best to have a vet prescribe it, you can also choose to administer a fairly mild treatment on your own. The most common and recommended dosage is one drop of CBD for every 10 kilos of your pet’s weight.

Which CBD products to use on pets

As we have already mentioned, oils are the default product used for pets, thanks to the ease with which they can be applied in measured doses. As for the product itself, it is recommended that your vet recommends a specific oil for the treatment.

You can find a wide range of CBD products for pets in our shop. It is also possible to buy it in a physical shop, more and more of them are available all over Spain.

This has been all our article about CBD for pets, we hope that the information is useful for you and that you find the most suitable treatment. We invite you to keep browsing our website, you will find a lot of interesting information.

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